Categories and Stereotypes Cont'd
3. Why is it important to be sociologically mindful of our ingroups and outgroups?
4. Examine the research article that you found for this unit.
Was the research focused on an ingroup or outgroup for you?
5. How might your research shed light on this group to avoid viewing the group with outgroup homogeneity?
6. Now think about your own life. What are your in groups? What are the outgroups that you could become more aware of, more empathetic to?
Examples of stereotypes and lessons we can learn from them:
Examples of stereotypes about differently-abled individuals

Brett Eastburn
Brett Eastburn was born with no arms or legs. Here is an article in the Daily Herald about Eastburn visiting a school in Mt. Prospect. We might categorize him as disabled, but we should be careful about the assumptions and stereotypes that go along with that category. Here is a Ted Talk by Eastburn and here is his book, I'm Not Missing Anything.
Nick Vujicic
Another powerful differently-abled speaker is Nick Vujicic. He is a motivational speaker who also has no limbs. Here is a video of him on youtube
Aaron Fotheringham
This is a video about Aaron Fotheringham, an "extreme sitter." Aaron has been in a wheelchair his whole life, but he sees it as an opportunity. Again, we should be careful of our stereotypes. Aaron is way more rad than I will ever be, but he is in a wheelchair and I am not. If you search youtube, you can see Aaron doing a double backflip! But there are also lots of videoes of him crashing over and over again and again. It takes hard work and lots of effort to become good at what you do.
Hard work was a theme in all of the above videoes. And if you read the rest of Outliers, Gladwell makes the case that the most successful people spend ten thousand hours developing their skills. The other theme that comes out in all of these videoes from Brett Eastburn to Aaron Fotheringham is that in order to find meaning in your life you must find a way to serve others. Find a way to help other people. You have talents. Develop them and find a way to use them to help others. That is your purpose. And here is Aaron "wheels" Fotheringham at the 2016 Paralympics:
Here is the latest update from Wheelz on the BBC.
Here is the latest update from Wheelz on the BBC.
Here is a video about a different type of street performer that also challenges your assumptions about the category "disabled".
I love how these "disabled" people see their opportunity to teach others. Their lessons seem to be similar: The world doesn't owe you anything. You owe yourself hard work and dedication to become what you want. Find a way to help others/teach others. Don't stereotype and keep an open mind.
Lessons from differently-abled individuals:
I love how these "disabled" people see their opportunity to teach others. Their lessons seem to be similar: The world doesn't owe you anything. You owe yourself hard work and dedication to become what you want. Find a way to help others/teach others. Don't stereotype and keep an open mind.
Lessons from differently-abled individuals:
- Accept yourself as a part of creation; your existence is the universe's confirmation to you that you matter.
- Develop your talents/desires. Whatever you want takes hard work. It takes failure, discomfort and effort.
- Find ways to serve others. Whenever you don't know what to do or when your life feels directionless or meaningless, find a way to serve others. We all have talents that can help others.
Dealing with stereotypes
Finally, when you feel like you have been stereotyped, how do you react? What do you do? Anis Mojgani suggests that you shake the dust. Checkout his slam poem. Here is a link to his poem in writing.
Lesson from Mojgani: When you have been stereotyped, shake the dust. Move on and don't let the dust settle on you. Don't let it define you.
Finally, when you feel like you have been stereotyped, how do you react? What do you do? Anis Mojgani suggests that you shake the dust. Checkout his slam poem. Here is a link to his poem in writing.
Lesson from Mojgani: When you have been stereotyped, shake the dust. Move on and don't let the dust settle on you. Don't let it define you.
The Cookie Thief, a poetic example of judging
There is a poem I like that illustrates Charon's point. The poem called "The Cookie Thief" by Valerie Cox. We are all cookie thieves sometimes in how we erroneously use the categories that Charon talks about.
We have all been both the victim of stereotyping and the perpetrator of it. Try not to be the cookie thief.
There is a poem I like that illustrates Charon's point. The poem called "The Cookie Thief" by Valerie Cox. We are all cookie thieves sometimes in how we erroneously use the categories that Charon talks about.
We have all been both the victim of stereotyping and the perpetrator of it. Try not to be the cookie thief.
This American Life, radio episode about stereotypes
Another great source about stereotypes is episode 362 from This American Life. Click here to listen to the episode where 5 people tell stories about stereotyping. Listen to the prologue about people with disabilities, and Act One about NY cops stereotyping people coming from Brooklyn.
In Conclusion
What is difference between in-groups and outgroups?
Why should we be mindful of these groups?
What is the difference between a generalization and a stereotype?
HW REMINDER: Joel Best, "The Truth about Damned Lies and Statistics."
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