As you saw in the previous lesson, sociologists have concluded that social class does exist in the U.S. and it is made up of a complex set of factors, one of which is wealth. This lesson will examine other factors that create and maintain social class.
Lesson Focus:
- What does the median or average American look like in terms of social class?
- How does this compare to your own unique experience(s)?
- How do all of these components of social class connect to each other to either limit or advantage those in them?
The first component of social class that we will examine is income. Income is usually what Americans think of first when they think of social class. Income is how much money a person or household takes in each year. Income can come from different sources. It can be hourly wages such as a secretary or construction worker that makes $25 per hour and they only get paid for the hours they work. Or it can be a salary like a teacher or a manager who makes a salary of $75,000 per year, regardless of the number of hours they work. A third type of income is from capital gains which are profits made off of investments. An example of capital gains might be a stock trader who buys Apple stock at $100 per share and then sells it 2 years later for $200 per share.
What do you think the median household income in the United States is - please guess if you are not sure.
(Median is the middle, whereas mean is the average).
2. What is the actual median household income?
Click on the Census Data finder here and search "income". Here is 2021 Data:
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What percentile would the income from these neighborhoods be nationally?

This 2017 NY Times editorial explains the rising inequality in one chart, from David Leonhardt Seen below.
The grey line is how much that percentile group's income grew from 1945-1980.
So, income has been becoming more unequal, but government policies can affect this inequality. For example, some of the highest income earners actually pay less in taxes than middle income earners! From the Tax Policy Center, this chart (below) shows that higher income earners pay more of their taxes as capital gains taxes which are taxed at a lower rate than the majority of Americans who pay income taxes at a higher rate.
Here is a 2011 post from sociological images that has a lot of info showing the connection between your degree and your income, especially that more than any other factor, educational level contributes to lifetime income earnings and the earnings gap gets wider over time.
Family shapes people differently based on the social class of the family. Melvin Kohn and Annette Lareau are two of the more noted researchers who studied families and social class. Their research found that parents from working-class households emphasize following rules and discipline while upper-middle-class parents teach their kids to take risks, negotiate, and think creatively. Sociologist Annette Lareau explains these differences in her research. Her book, Unequal Childhoods is explained in the Atlantic here. And there is an excerpt available here.
Lareau identifies these two styles:
Concerted Cultivation: The parenting style, favored by middle-class families, in which parents encourage negotiation and discussion and the questioning of authority, and enroll their children in extensive organized activity participation. This style helps children in middle-class careers, teaches them to question people in authority, develops a large vocabulary, and makes them comfortable in discussions with people of authority. However, it gives the children a sense of entitlement.
Accomplishment of Natural Growth: The parenting style, favored by working-class and lower-class families, in which parents issue directives to their children rather than negotiations, encourage the following and trusting of people in authority positions, and do not structure their children's daily activities, but rather let the children play on their own. This method has benefits that prepare the children for a job in "working" class jobs, teaches the children to respect and take the advice of people in authority, and allows the children to become independent at a younger age.Student discussion:
Why do you think each social class shapes kids these ways? Brainstorm your own hypothesis here.
Analyze either your family or a family you know - which style do you think they are and why? Can you give a specific example?
"...income gaps between fields are often larger than gaps between those with college degrees and those without them. Natasha Quadlin finds that this gap is in many ways due to differences in funding at the start of college that determine which majors students choose....She finds that students who pay for college with loans are more likely to major in applied non-STEM fields, such as business and nursing, and they are less likely to be undeclared. However, students whose funding comes primarily from grants or family members are more likely to choose academic majors like sociology or English and STEM majors like biology or computer science."
- BluesMatch, a company based in London that matches Oxford, Cambridge, and Ivy League graduates, said it makes sense that as people experience search fatigue from broad, impersonal online dating pools, they’re drawn to sites that narrow the field by matching users’ interests or backgrounds. “People get tired of using Tinder or Match because there are too many people,” said Law during a Skype chat from London. “And they often don’t have the level of conversation that someone from Oxford or the Ivy League gets excited by.”
- Elegant Introductions out of Miami, are matchmakers for a clientele based in Miami and Boston. Most of their clients, said Gold, are highly educated and professionally successful, are involved in their community, appreciate the arts, and have been screened to make sure they are who they say they are. Applicants have to show proof of an Ivy League degree.
How Admissions Really Work: If The College Admissions Scandal Shocked You, Read this from NPR.
There are lots of ways that wealthy families get a boost in the college admissions process. Most are quite legal.
Paul Tough's book, The Years That Matter Most is a deep-dive sociological look into college and social class. From the NY Times book review,
"... today, whether you graduate from college is largely determined by your parents’ income. In the United States, 77 percent of children born into the top income quartile will earn a degree by age 24, but for the bottom quartile that number is a mere 9 percent. The implications are clear: The education system isn’t transforming the lives of those who need it most; it is dispensing ever more opportunity to those who need it least."
Power, according to Max Weber, is the ability to impose one's will on others. Weber focused on three ways that power shows up in everyday life:
- Traditional authority - power because of social or cultural tradition like royalty or religious leaders
- Rational-Legal authority - power from law and legitimacy of the state such as judges and police
- Charismatic authority - power that comes from personal qualities that create influence over people such as Kim Kardashian or Michael Strehan
Some examples of power are the abilities to keep yourself out of jail, influence politicians and enact laws that you favor:
Here is one example from The Daily Show comparing teachers and Wall Street Investors. Can you guess who has the power? Video is available at Youtube here.Here is a link to a Washington Post article explaining that wealthy Americans use their power to create favorable government policies.This 2019 ProPublica report found that the IRS is LESS likely to audit wealthier Americans because it is more costly and difficult.And this article from the NY Times shows that an executive at United Airlines accused of corruption charges was forced to resign. Imagine if a teacher was accused of corruption and was forced to resign. That would be it - out of a job and no compensation. But,United filed a report with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday indicating that Mr. Smisek would receive nearly $4.9 million in a separation payment, and 60,000 shares of stock, valued at over $3 million.
Some more local examples of a contrast in power among wealthy and powerful compared to low income and powerless:
Choose one of the examples above. Which did you choose and what is the power being exerted?
Social Class Component 5: Location
Examining the largest 384 metro areas in the United States, our area, Chicago is the 3rd most populous at 9 million people. The median metro area is #192 - it is the 2nd largest city in Arkansas; Can you name it? Can you guess how many people are in the city? The total metropolitan area?
7. How do you think where college grads move affects social class in the U.S.?
Location and home price:
How do you think your home's value compares to the average home price? (Remember from the wealth section above, the average American owns a home.)
Location and health
This research from Harvard shows that zipcode is a better predictor for health than genetic code.
And Clint Smith, a Washington DC teacher explains in his slam poem the ways that location affects his students. As you watch, make a list of the ways that location affects them:
An online data tool called Opportunity Atlas finds a strong correlation between where people are raised and their chances of achieving the American dream.
Here is an NPR piece explaining it.
Here is the NY Times Upshot explaining it.
Opportunity Insights provides data about how neighborhoods shape residents' life chances.
This report from NPR's Planet Money details how where you grow up can affect your income later in life.
And here is a video and stats from CNN Money that show how where you grow up limits or benefits you.