Monday, August 21, 2017

Understanding white supremacy

Regardless of where you stand on political party or whether monuments should come down or not, please stand up to hate.  

Here is a documentary from Vice productions which is run by a right-wing extremist sympathizer, Gavin McInnes:

ABC 20/20 ran an episode on 08/18/2017 called Fractured America; Extremism in the Streets.  It was a documentary sanctioned by leaders on both sides of the extremism:

In 2016, Steve Bannon, a white nationalist digital media giant joined the Trump presidential campaign.  This NPR report talks about the implications of that and how the fringe white supremacists embraced Trump even if Trump did not fully embrace them.

From the Atlantic,
with a brief documentary about how white supremacists have re-branded themselves as "alt-right":

From the Anti-defamation League, here is an "alt-right" primer.

Here is a glossary of extremist language from NY Times.