Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Reviewing Unit 1: A Framework for Understanding the Sociological Perspective

The theme of unit 1 is:

The Sociological Perspective:  How do sociologists view the world?

As a review, I created this document, A Framework for the Sociological Perspective.  The framework should help you conceptualize that while each of these paradigms and theories is unique, they are all related to the sociological perspective.  Moving forward, it would be helpful to see the interconnection of each of these.

Three Paradigms

We learned about 3 paradigms that were all started by scholars who were examining the effects of the industrial revolution in Europe.  These three paradigms were the beginnings of sociology and they are still influential in what  sociologists study/focus on.

Be able to identify the bold aspects for each of the three paradigms.

How might each paradigm apply to the research from Stephanie Coontz about teen-parent conflicts?

How might each apply to names?

Three Theories

After sociology became an established discipline, three theories emerged as a way of better understanding how sociologists view the world.

Be able to identify each theory and how sociologists might view the world through that lens.

How might each theory apply to the research from Stephanie Coontz about teen-parent conflicts?

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