Volunteering to be a part of a peaceful demonstration to voice your feelings can be a powerful experience. Here is an amazing opportunity to be a part of a worldwide day of protest:
There will be hundreds of powerful anti-war actions all over the country on Wednesday, March 19, the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq war. Every day that the war continues $400 million will be spent on unnecessary mass destruction and death - money that is badly needed for schools, healthcare, housing, to create jobs and so much more. The war is a catastrophe that should end immediately, not in 2009, 2013 or 2020. March 19 is an opportunity to continue building resistance to the war criminals in the Bush Administration, the Pentagon and Congress.
On March 19 in Chicago, we will be meeting at Federal Plaza at 6 pm for a spirited mass rally. We will then march through the loop to Washington Square Park. On the march we will be carrying anti-war placards and banners and raising our voices loudly against the war. March 19 will be a day of vibrant mass action in Chicago powered by the independent grassroots anti-war movement and by working people from all communities.
In the next three weeks there is a lot we can do to get as many people as possible out for the March 19 demonstration. Every person reading this e-mail can contribute in a very real way. Volunteer, donate, download or get leaflets and pass them out/drop them off places, forward this e-mail, come to volunteer meetings. Post March 19 on your blog, facebook, myspace and all over the internet. Tell everyone you know that taking to the streets on March 19 will send a direct message to the well paid politicians in Washington DC that the people of this country will not stop organizing opposition to the war until all foreign occupation troops are out of Iraq.
For more info or to get involved call 773-463-0311
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