Wednesday, January 24, 2024

1.4 Lifeboat Lessons Big (Macro) and Small (Micro)

If you are in class today, please sign the seat chart.

If you are absent, please be sure to read through the whole lesson and fill out the Google Form embedded within.

Who did our class set adrift in the activity?  How do you think this compares to other classes that have done this?  

Who do you think has never been set adrift?

1.Able-Bodied Sailor Jones:                                  
2.Ship’s Officer O’Maley:  Mr./Ms. O’Malley:             
3.Quarter Master MacDonald:                              
4.Self-Made Millionaire Douglas:                          
5.College Student Mr/Ms Parsons:                        
6.Nobel Prize Winner in Literature, Dr. Lightfoot     
7.Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, Dr. Singleton         
8.Football Player Mr. Small:                                 
9.Cheerleader Mrs. Small:                                     
10.Army Captain Thomas:                                   
11.Draft Evader Samuels:                                    
12.Peace Corps Volunteer Mr./Ms. Davidson:           
13.Med Student Mr./Ms. Ryan:                               
14.Elderly man Mr. Eldridge:                                
15.Elderly woman Mrs. Eldridge:                          
16.Travelling Poet Mr/Ms Carpenter:                     

Here are the results of 20 years of doing this activity:

Out of 71 times, here are the totals:

1.Able-Bodied Sailor Jones:                                  22
2.Ship’s Officer O’Maley:  Mr./Ms. O’Malley:             2
3.Quarter Master MacDonald:                               56
4.Self-Made Millionaire Douglas:                           54
5.College Student Mr/Ms Parsons:                         60
6.Nobel Prize Winner in Literature, Dr. Lightfoot      35
7.Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, Dr. Singleton          0
8.Football Player Mr. Small:                                  15
9.Cheerleader Mrs. Small:                                      6
10.Army Captain Thomas:                                    15
11.Draft Evader Samuels:                                     59
12.Peace Corps Volunteer Mr./Ms. Davidson:            5
13.Med Student Mr./Ms. Ryan:                                0
14.Elderly man Mr. Eldridge:                                 65
15.Elderly woman Mrs. Eldridge:                           62
16.Travelling Poet Mr/Ms Carpenter:                      41

Macrosociological perspective
On the macro level, sociologists look for the influences of large-scale forces on groups or individuals.  So, for the simulation, let's examine the similarities for who your class kicked off the boat compared to the other classes that I have taught.  

Our class is made up of different people than any other class that has done this activity.  In fact, this class is so different, that students are from a different generation!  For example, I have been doing this activity long enough that two of my students married!  They met in my class as the football player and cheerleader in 2002, and then after continuing to date after college, they got engaged in 2012 and asked me to be the officiant at their wedding!  Here is my sociological sermon that I wrote for their wedding.  The point is that even though they are old enough to be a different generation than my current class, similarities still exist between their class and yours.  

What are the choices that your class made that is similar to the choices above by other classes?

Why do these patterns emerge across generations?  There are social forces that lead to/construct similar results.  Think about the larger groups that you share with the other students that have done this over the years:
What did you have in common? Group memberships affect how we think about the world and what we value.

What commonalities might have played a role in shaping the same decisions?

Despite all of the individual differences among students who have done this, what does our class share in common with all of the other classes that I have done this with?  All the people who have done this in my class over the years have been a part of these large (macro) groups:  students, teens, people studying sociology, people living in Chicagoland, and, Americans. These large groups are on a microsociological level - they have so many members in them that you can't know all the members or interact with them all. 

The most important macrosociological group in this exercise, in my opinion, is Americans, our cultural group.  As people living in America, we have cultural values that we all are influenced by.  For example, Americans value pragmatism/practicality and students consistently save the characters who they believe are useful, especially the medical student and the Nobel prize winner in Physics.  And, Americans value youth and strength and students consistently reject the elderly and the sick (quartermaster, college student).  Finally, Americans love to believe that they are personally in charge of their own future so all of the students who have done this attempt to make choices that they believe are "correct" as opposed to simply choosing at random and leaving it up to fate or destiny. Macro-sociological forces influence people all over the country to value these traits and thus make these choices when on the boat.   

Sociological Imagination

1.  How might this activity play out in a different place?  How might different cultures approach the decision of who to set adrift?  

2.  How might this play out in a different time?  How might Americans from a different time, such as the 1920s or 1820s, approach the decision?

Perhaps in another culture, different cultural values might lead to different choices:
  • some cultures that value the elderly might save the oldest people first.
  • some cultures that value education might save the most educated people.
  • some cultures that believe in fate/destiny might pick numbers out of a hat.
  • some cultures that value equity might save the weakest/those with the most obstacles.
Perhaps in another time, Americans may have chosen to save:
  • women and children first
  • people by race
  • people by social class

Microsociological Perspective
On the microsociological level, sociologists study how groups interact in face-to-face conversation. In face-to-face interaction the words we use matter - they hold shared meaning and values.  Additionally, how we use the words matters, such as: who makes eye contact, how loud people speak, where they sit, who is the leader, etc... So, the microsociological data from each time that the activity is done, might be different based on the interaction.  This includes the words students use.  For example, if the poet focuses on being a poet, people might see that as undesirable and kick him off.  But if the poet reinforces that he is useful because of his sailing skills, that might save him because usefulness is a shared value in our culture. 

3.  Think about what choices, if any, do not line up with my classes' previous choices.  
What was the dynamic that affected why that person was voted overboard?  
What did the group say or do that affect their decision?
What did the person say or do that affected their decision?

Social Construction of Reality 
4.  How are the experiences of those on the boat shaped by the larger society? What are the meanings that each person's status holds on the boat?  

Each person's status(es), or social positions, on the boat create a very real experience for the people in the simulation.  Some statuses become master statuses.
5. What were some master statuses that affected the simulation?

Applying this to your own life
This activity is a metaphor for any group that you are a part of; all of the groups that shape you are governed by both macro-sociological forces and micro-sociological forces.  For example, apply this to college.  If we examined these two levels in college, there are certain macro-sociological values that one would expect to find no matter where the school is located: grades, expectations of learning, homework, rules etc... So as you move from one class to the next, you will see these macro-sociological values present. On the other hand, each individual class is different because of the micro-sociological dynamics present within each class: some teachers are more casual, some teachers use rows vs. a horseshoe shape, some classes have a few loud boisterous individuals and other classes might be mostly girls or mostly guys etc...

6.  Can you see these two levels at play in your own life? Perhaps in your family, your classes or with a group of friends, or at your job?  
How is one of your groups shaped by larger forces such as the influence of culture?
How is the group shaped by the interaction of its' members?  For example, how do they treat each other based on the statuses each person has? 

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