Culture has a very influential impact on people. Humans are born into a culture that has been influencing their growth from before their birth and continues throughout their development, even before they have become cognitively aware of this influence. Some of the strongest influence of culture is non-material and thus, not readily noticeable. These aspects of culture affect how people think. One of the strongest of these non-material cultural components is values. Values are the behaviors and attitudes that a culture of people deem desirable.

Sociologist Robin Williams's work is seminal research in the sociology of American values. Williams first published his work in 1951 and then updated it in 1960 and 1970.
Below is a chart that merges the Williams and Kohl's values lists.
American Values vs. Other Cultures’ Values
Personal control/responsibility Fate/destiny
Change seen as natural/positive/Progress Stability/tradition
Time and its control Human Interaction
Equality/fairness Hierarchy/rank/status
Individualism/independence/freedom Group welfare/dependence
Self-Help/initiative Birthright/inheritance
Competition Cooperation
Future orientation Past orientation
Action/work “Being”
Informality Formality
Directness/openness/Honesty Indirectness/ritual/”face”
Practicality/efficiency Idealism/theory
Materialism/Acquisitiveness Spiritualism/detachment
Achievement/Success Acceptance/Status Quo
Morality/judgement Consequentialism/situational ethics
More about American values:
- freedom
- prosperity
- efficiency
- fairness
- democracy
Read Kohl's The Values Americans Live By
After you are assigned a number (1-13), find your partner and travel to the table that matches your number.
1. What evidence does the author provide for the value that you were assigned?
2. If you agree with the author’s evidence, what are some specific examples that you can cite from your own life (or your parents’ lives) that show these values shaping either you or your parents? If you don’t agree why not? Provide evidence that contradicts the author.
3. Individually, look over the whole reading. What are the three values that impact you personally the most? In what ways?
Value 1: _____________ How?
Value 2: _____________ How?
Value 3: _____________ How?
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