Monday, March 28, 2022

Social Class Lesson 1: Hello Class!

Before starting this lesson, I would like to see what you already think about social class.  Please pause and answer the following questions:

Here is the Google form for today's lesson. 

1.  What social class would you say that you/your family belong in?  
If you don't know, it's okay to say that. You will see why later in this lesson.

2.  What determines social class?

Last unit we saw that people are shaped by the structures of society.  Family, school, peers, media all have profound effects on who we become.  In this unit, we will see that these structures also create inequalities.  Often, these inequalities are overlooked because the dominant groups and structures look past these inequalities.  The first type of inequality we will examine is social class.  Below is a brief background about how the study of inequalities evolved in sociology.

Americans and Social Class

The United States has always resisted the pretentiousness of class.  The country was founded partly as a reaction to a monarch, which is in itself a class-based system defined by hereditary status and honorary titles.   Additionally, and maybe because of, its revolutionary history, the U.S. values equality, freedom and individual control over one's own destiny.  Whether these values are realized within society or not, they are all inherently anti-social class.  

Americans do not like: 
  • the idea of people being unequal, 
  • not having the freedom to pursue individual economic interests and 
  • not being in control of their own destinies  
Simply put, Americans do not like social class.  The anti-social class mentality has existed for over a century.  During the gilded age, the Horatio Alger myth was popularized as a promise of the American possibility of going from "rags to riches" a success story sometimes summed up as, "only in America."  From Princeton University professor Jen Hochschild's 1996 book, Facing Up to the American Dream, Americans believe in the American dream and that success is attainable for anyone.   According to Hochschild, the United States has failed to face up to what that dream requires of our society, and yet it possesses no other central belief that can save the country from chaos.

3.  Do you understand why Americans have trouble accepting/talking about social class?  Is this true for you and your family?

Breakout Discussion: Examine the data in the chart below.  What do you think is significant about it?  Why?  Answer this in your Google Form #4.

Examining Data About Social Class

From the PEW Research Center, this 2015 publication shows American attitudes about income and social class.

This 2015 article from Smithsonian Magazine details a number of sources that show Americans like to believe that they are middle class.
4. What do you think is significant about it?  Why?

So why bother studying social class in the U.S.?

If Americans don't like social class and don't believe that it exists here in the United States, then why study it?  First, social class does, in fact, exist in the U.S. and, understanding it will help you to understand the opportunities and obstacles that Americans face.  Additionally, this will help to explain why the idea of "middle class" is so appealing to Americans.  Social classes are difficult to define because the U.S. is so stratified.  Social class shapes us so strongly that by understanding it, we will understand ourselves better as well as our fellow Americans better.  And this understanding is not just an understanding of how we think and what we value, but it also is an understanding of our life chances, or what we are capable of achieving and the likelihood that we achieve it.

Discussion:  Analyze the 4 figures/graphs below.  What conclusions can you draw?  Which figure do you find most compelling and why?  Answer this in #5 of your Google Doc.

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4:

5.  Analyze the 4 figures/graphs above.  What conclusions can you draw?  Which figure do you find most compelling and why?

From the Economic Policy Institute,
Most Americans believe that a rising tide should lift all boats—that as the economy expands, everybody should reap the rewards. And for two-and-a-half decades beginning in the late 1940s, this was how our economy worked. Over this period, the pay (wages and benefits) of typical workers rose in tandem with productivity (how much workers produce per hour). In other words, as the economy became more efficient and expanded, everyday Americans benefited correspondingly through better pay. But in the 1970s, this started to change.

Social class inequality in the U.S. is growing and has been for decades.  This growth is profoundly shaping the United States even though few seem to recognize it.  Economic inequality is influenced by many factors, including the economy, public policy and social changes.  The last several decades, income inequality has been growing.  The highest earning Americans have continued to earn more and more over the last 50 years, while the lower earners have earned closer to about the same.

Breakout Discussion: Analyze the graphs below and answer #6:  Why does social class matter?  

This 2012 post from Socimages of the Society Pages points to The Equality Trust, a British trust that displays data related to income inequality (for more, see the 2012 post linked above):

Figure 5:
Figure 6:
Figure 7:
Figure 8:

6.  Why social class is important to sociology?

Lastly, the final reason why social class is relevant is social class and inequality correlate with a number of measures of society that show inequality makes countries less healthy, less productive and less desirable.  Understanding this can help make our society a healthier and happier place to live.

Brief Timeline of Social Class and Sociology

Although this unit examines social class and inequality, I want to be explicit that this unit us not making the case for a particular form of government or even for government policies.  But because the term "socialism" has been politicized, it might be helpful to review the growth of economic theory alongside sociology.  As the U.S. and the Western world entered the industrial age, the economic theory of capitalism grew too.  Sociology's understanding of social class grew out of the results of the growth of both capitalism and industrialism.  Although inequality based on social class was written into the U.S. Constitution which only allowed landowners to vote (until 1856 in North Carolina!)  But the Industrial Revolution and pure capitalism magnified the existing classism in the U.S.

This chart compares socialism to capitalism and the results of both throughout U.S. history:

Capitalism is most closely associated with the 1776 publication of The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith.  The Adam Smith Institute explains that capitalism is rooted in the free-market (no government control) and the accumulation of wealth.   The United States has NEVER been a purely capitalist nation. Government policy, priorities, and budgets shape both national and local economies.  The federal government is the largest employer in the U.S., it shapes the markets and it awards some of the largest contracts to private corporations.       

From the OED
Socialism entered English vernacular around 1830 as a response to the philosophy of capitalism (also detailed at  In the 1800s, a small group of industrialists was amassing extreme fortunes while the average citizen and worker was working longer and longer hours for less money and in dangerous working conditions often in sweatshop factories and including children as young as 5 years old!  This inequality of labor/economy spilled over into private life as workers increasingly lived in unregulated conditions at home that resulted in diseases like smallpox, typhus, yellow fever and cholera, spread through overcrowded tenements that lacked running water, plumbing, waste removal.  Jacob Riis detailed living conditions around 1900. 

Power - Karl Marx and the Inequalities of Capitalism
Marx studied these disparities and wrote about them.  For example, Marx points out that middle-class persons lived an average of 38 years, but laborers only made it 17 years.  Marx also wrote about earlier class systems such as feudalism and slavery.  His paradigm was focused on who owned the industries of the 1800s and who were the workers in those industries.   This was the beginning of examining power in capitalist society and how that power shaped individuals.

Wealth and Prestige - Max Weber and Three-Component Social Class
Following Marx, Weber wrote about social class just before WWI.  Weber argued that social class was composed of multiple components, namely wealth, prestige and power.  This was an early example of sociology attempting to understand social class as a set of components that all work together.

Culture - Pierre Bourdieu and the Cultural and Social Reproduction of Class
Later still, in 1977 Pierre Bourdieu wrote "Cultural Reproduction and Social Reproduction" which was a study of French educational system.  Bourdieu made the claim that social class involves hidden assets that sustain one's class such as education, style of speech, how to dress, as well as how to conduct oneself to fit into a class system.   This was a way of using symbolic interaction to understand social class from a micro-sociological level. Think about last chapter about culture and how much it shapes people.  Bourdieau helped apply that influence to social class.

Family - Annette Lareau and Social Class, Race and Education 
In 1989, Annette Lareau published a seminal study that examined American education and social class and race. Here is an explanation from Lareau's publisher,
Class does make a difference in the lives and futures of American children. Drawing on in-depth observations of black and white middle-class, working-class, and poor families, Unequal Childhoods explores this fact, offering a picture of childhood today. Here are the frenetic families managing their children's hectic schedules of "leisure" activities; and here are families with plenty of time but little economic security. Lareau shows how middle-class parents, whether black or white, engage in a process of "concerted cultivation" designed to draw out children's talents and skills, while working-class and poor families rely on "the accomplishment of natural growth," in which a child's development unfolds spontaneously―as long as basic comfort, food, and shelter are provided. Each of these approaches to childrearing brings its own benefits and its own drawbacks. In identifying and analyzing differences between the two, Lareau demonstrates the power, and limits, of social class in shaping the lives of America's children.
Lareau provides a recent example of how social class becomes a part of a person's identity.  She shows that people experience the world through the lens of their social class.  It starts with families who shape individuals before they are even conscious of themselves and it continues through school.
For more on Lareau, here she is explaining her research from the Stanford Center for Inequality:

And here is an Atlantic article (2012) explaining Lareau's research.

7.  What components of social class did you say in number 2 are mentioned by the researchers above (Marx, Weber, Bordieau, Lareau)?

Moving forward
This is the background with which sociologists approach social class.  Social class is complex and made up of various components that interconnect with each other.  These various components create opportunities and obstacles for the members of a society.  Not only does social class affect people's life chances, but it also affects how people experience the world; it constructs their reality.

8.  Any questions that you would like to discuss during the social class unit?  What would you like to know about social class?

For Review:

What is social class to sociologists?
How do Americans feel about social class in general?
Why bother studying social class?


  1. How do you think a socialist government in the United States would affect social networks between people of different previous affluence?
    Hmmm, difficult question.  Depends what you mean by "socialist gov" and "affect social networks".  Lots of people use socialist government but they really mean a democracy with more socialist economics/programs.  For example, many European democracies like Sweden, Denmark, France are democracies but their government provides education and medicine for free to all citizens.  Those are socialist programs, but that doesn't make the country "socialist" in terms of government.  I think a lot of Americans misuse that term.  In terms of the effects on society, well, as you will see later this unit, institutions like education and medicine tend to exacerbate social class in the U.S., so in countries with more socialist programs, there is less inequality.  

  2. Despite our values of equality, why is there a continued ignorance of the increasing financial inequality?

    I think that many Americans think of "equality" as not creating equality among people, but instead a belief that we are all equal in terms of opportunity. This actually ignores the obstacles that make us unequal and thus allows inequality to continue, maybe even get worse. I also think that because Americans who are higher class are uncomfortable with the idea of class, they want to justify their position at the top rather than acknowledge that they may have been privileged/advantaged or lucky.

  3. I understand why it is important in sociology, not why it is actually relevant in todays america.

    Remember that sociologists study both how the structures of society and the inequalities of society. Social class is an inequality in society. As you will see throughout this unit, social class shapes our opportunities, obstacles and how we think about the world. It shapes things that we take for granted like what kind of food tastes good to us and what our expectations are. And, if you read today's post carefully, you will see that, social class is increasing in the U.S. and that the larger the social class gap, the stronger the effects it has for things like infant mortality, mental illness, drug use, crime, etc... SO there's lots of reasons that it might be relevent to the U.S., especially if you are a sociologist trying to understand society. You may be approaching this topic politically which is to say, what should we do about social inequality. But that's a different matter. That's for you to decide politically, morally, etc... Just know that social class does indeed exist in the U.S. and it has been slowly getting worse over the last 50 years and the worse it gets, the greater impact it has for many negative outcomes.

  4. How big is the impact that social imagination has on social class?
    It's not really a question of how big the impact of soc Imagination is on social class - instead, remember that soc imagination is thinking about how people are shaped by when and where they live.  So in this case, social class will shape you differently based on when and where you live.  For example or where, If you lived in Britain, you could never be considered part of the upper class of royalty unless you married into the royal family, but in the United States you are free to move up in class not through marriage but in becoming really famous, influential, wealthy or more likely, a combo of all of these.  An example of when might be if you were born in the US during the 1950s, you had a much more likely chance of earning ore money and living in a higher class than your parents, however, living in 2020 that is much less likely because inequality in the U.S. is at an all time high.Does that make sense?  It is not so much that sociological imagination impacts class, but it helps us understand social class.Chris Salituro

  5. How does social class differ in structure outside of the USA? Is this structure more a cause or an outcome of social inequality?

  6. How do sociologists study the impact of social class?

    We will examine this later in the unit but basically they look at outcomes sometimes called life chances by sociologists.  For example, the chance of getting a college degree, or the chances of living to 80 yers old or the chances of going to prison.  As you will see, all of these are skewed based on social class.  

  7. Can you give a clear explanation as to what the social classes incomes are, as it varies seen in other websites and sources?Income is actually our topic tomorrow!  However, I am happy to clarify a little early.  First, realize that income is just one measure of social class, but social class also includes a conglomeration of various aspects:  income, education, where you live, power, etc... That being said, income is an important factor, but there is not distinct income thresholds that determine class.  As you will see tomorrow, the median household makes about $60K per year.  So I guess that's the middle.  So a household making $120K per year is making twice what an average house is making but that's not that different in terms of lifestyle.  Is it fair to say that those two families are living similar lives?  Fair to say that they are both middle class?  It's difficult. One reason it is difficult is because income skews so far toward the top of the scale.  In other words, some families make $600K per year which is 10 times what a middle family makes.  That makes $120K and $60K seem a lot more similar.  Does that make sense?  
    The other issue is that because Americans tend to segregate themselves by class, we often feel middle because we are surrounded by other people that are like us.  For example, tomorrow you will see that the avg income in SHS district is about $140K, so if your family earns $140K per year, you feel average, but in reality you are making more than 80% of what your fellow Americans are making.
    Point is that it is difficult to say.

  8. How old is the idea of "social class?" How has it changed in the past 200 years?

    Social class and the effects on the members within each class is really the creation of Karl Marx during the 1800s.  It's about 150 years old.  The evolution of the term can be seen in the first section of today's post.  Marx broke social classes into workers and owners.  He was examining industrialized society.  Although in his writing, he cited previous societies like feudal Europe claiming that there have always been workers and owners.  Not long after Marx, Weber theorized that class should be examined based on income, wealth and power.  Later still, Pierre Bourdieau said that class was passed on subtly through myriad lessons about culture - what to wear, how to talk, what to value, who to be friends with, and this created a repeating cycle of class.  As we examine it, we will take into consideration all of these with the acknowledgment that although there is not one agreed upon definition of class, it does exist in the US and it does affect the individual members within each.  Here is more on the sociological definition of class:
