Misericordia Candy Days
Friday & Saturday April 27 & 28, 2012
This is not your typical "tag day", this is
Misericordia Candy Days. Be part of the more
than 12,000 people who proudly walk the streets
and stand at the store fronts supporting Misericordia.
Volunteers are needed to work the streets, sidewalks
and store fronts of Chicago and the suburbs. Anyone can do this
you simply pass out candy and informational tags in exchange for
donations. Please Volunteer two hours of your time to
make a difference for more than 600 children and adults with developmental and physical disabilities.
When I was in high school I was lucky enough to have a job at a basketball gym connected to Misericordia. I only took the job for the basketball, but what a blessing to get to know Misericordia and all it does for the residents there. I also was able to do tag days for a number of years and it was a cool experience and at the very least eye opening.
Click here for more info or to volunteer.
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