Well this historic day for Illinois is both woeful as it represents the pinnacle of the corruption our state has been plagued by, and hopeful as it might begin a change in how Illinois politicians do there business. I don't know how we can call our government a democracy when we allow unlimited political contributions to campaigns. When a government runs its campaigns with private money, can we really call that a government of the people? Is it not an aristocracy? That being said, I do think this impeachment is interesting from a sociological imagination. It is true that Blago has not been convicted of anything. But this has been an incredible year for Illinois - like it or not, Obama, an Illinois Native Son has risen meteorically to the highest office. Illinoisans are full of pride and this includes the Illinois legislature. That is why when Blago was caught on tape disrespecting the vacated Obama Senate seat and disrespecting the Obama transitional team the Illinois legislature was sure to act. Honestly, it is a little scary how quickly a legislature can railroad a sitting governor out of office. So I think there is a subconscious feeling deep in the minds of the legislators that their Obama had been disrespected and they were not going to take it. Can you see how these legislators might see Blago's private conversations as being disrespectful of their native son Obama? Do yo think that identifying with the new President might be a factor pushing these legislators to impeach? Blago about it..er, I mean blog about it :-)
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ReplyDeleteFor some reason, I fidget a little every time I see "Illinois Native Son" being titled to Obama. First of all, he was born in Hawaii, he didn't even grow up in Illinois. And yet people consider him the golden child of Illinois. Not only that, but they see Obama as the shining light to guide us through the turmoil we face today. So many people have jumped on to the Obama train since his political campaign in 2008. What's scary is that some of the people who are so gung ho about Obama doesn't even know exactly who he is and what he did. They just know what he said he'll do. As much as I like Obama and what he stands for, this seems like blind faith and loyalty we have towards the man. Millions flocked to the inauguration chanting his name as their new leader took the "most powerful position in the world". It seemed as if at that point, he was able to do anything he ever wanted. He could have asked those people to jump all at once and they would yell "how high". As great as this is, that we have such a strong faith in our president compared to our last one, it's scary to think that the people would start zealously fighting for their leader's honor and name. It's very possible that the Illinois state senate would deprive a possibly innocent man out of a trial, just to defend Obama's seat. The ISS easily could have jumped onto the bandwagon as well and for the sake of protecting the honor, sacrificing Blago's true rights to a fair and just (using those 2 words very loosely) trial. Who knows what else the government can do if they can take away one of the true rights given to us by our constitutional rights?
ReplyDeleteI also think it's scary how quick he can be impeached. I don't know exactly what they got him for, but I hope it was based on what was in the Illinois Constitution and not just because he is stupid.
ReplyDeleteBut to more of a sociological perspective, I was working out at the gym when I noticed breaking news on about 8 of the 12 TVs. I watched with my friend on the machine next to me as a unanimous vote took him out. Then the best part, people in the gym started clapping. When they saw other people clapping, they smiled and chatted about it. I absolutely love when random people come together because of random situations. It made my day.
I do think its strange how quickly all this happened. And the fact that he wasn't given a completely fair trial doesn't make it seem right. On the other hand, i feel like it had to be done. People have too much pride in Obama for him to be dissrespected. Blago made a complete fool out of himself. How could he compared himself to men like Ghandi and Nelson Mandela? That blows my mind. Oh well! It's not the first time Illinois politicans have been corrupt.
ReplyDeleteSo i really don't keep up with the news at all but come on what the hell Blago?! I just don't understand how he can live with himself... Not to mention selling Obama's seat he also as I understand it he kept money from a children's hospital? I mean are you kidding what a scum bag!