- The essay is due by the start of class 1 week from today.
- Write your answers and save them in a separate app.
- Choose TWO questions to answer - one from each #1 and #2 below
- Each question has multiple parts, be sure to: answer all parts, use specific details from your own life experiences, and write with proper grammar and prose.
Essay Prompt:
This unit we have learned about how people are influenced by their social groups. This process is called socialization and it begins from birth. The groups that nurture are most powerful within our culture are called agents of socialization. The agents of socialization that we examined in class are: family, school, friends/peers, and social media. This assessment will examine the extent to which you can explain:
1) the sociological concepts/perspective toward these agents,
2) what sociological research reveals about how these agents influence individuals in our society and
3) how these concepts and research show up in your own life or in your own authentic examples.
You MUST ANSWER BOTH 1 and 2 below:
1. Choose EITHER Family, School, Peers or Culture, and answer the questions for it below. Note that you only have to choose one (either family or media) but there are multiple parts for whichever you choose.
A. Explain the difference between nature and nurture and how they interact to create/socialize who you are. Give examples of how you are influenced by nature and then how you are influenced by nurture from whichever group you chose for #1.
B. Explain some of the research we examined (readings or video) such as Social Time, Kohl's Values Americans Live By, Thrive and how that research might apply specifically to your own life. Explain both the research and how you have been influenced/socialized and use specific examples from your life to illustrate whether this is true for you or not.
2. Choose a DIFFERENT group than what you chose for #1 above and
A. Explain some of the research that shows how people are shaped/socialized by that group. Use specific details from your own experience as an authentic example.
B. Explain the difference between manifest lessons and latent lessons. Then share an example of each from your own experiences with this group. Be sure to include specific details/examples that authentically connect to your own life.
You will be assessed 8 points on each of the parts above (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B) if your answer was: fully explained, demonstrated a correct understanding, provided authentic examples.
- For any of the three areas above (explained, correct, authentic) that is not developed enough, students will be assessed 1 point off of the total.
- For any of the three areas above (explained, correct, authentic) that is incorrect students will be assessed 2 points off the total.
Moving forward: If you found this unit interesting and/or want to learn more about how individuals develop a sense of self and are shaped by the social groups around them, consider taking SOCL230 Self & Society often taught by Dr. Everitt