Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Other Components of Social Class in the USA

Although income is usually what people think of first when they think of social class, there are many other elements that are a part of social class.  All of these components both exemplify social class inequality and they exacerbate it.  Please read about each element below.  As you go through, think about what an average American looks like and how your family compares.  I want you to have a better understanding of where your family fits compared to the average American when the lesson is finished.


Wealth is tricky to understand.  It is everything that a household owns, such as the home, vacation home, cars, 401K, savings, stocks, jewelry, etc...But, you must subtract what the household owes.  So, if my house is $200,000 but I owe $160,000 then my wealth is only $40,000 on the house.   One way to examine wealth is through quintiles (20% increments).  if you lined all the households up in the U.S. by wealth, what percentage would the top 20% own? And then the next 20% and so on...Another way to think about this is if you have 5 people who are sharing a pie, what percent of the pie does the first person get, and the second person and third, etc...

How much of the wealth (the pie) in the U.S. do you think each quintile (person) has:
Bottom 20%:______   2nd 20%_______  3rd 20%________  4th 20%_______ 5th 20%_______Top
(least)                                                                                                          (most)

How much do you think each quintile should have?

Bottom 20%:______   2nd 20%________ 3rd 20%________  4th 20%_______ 5th 20%_______Top

After you have finished answering the questions above, watch this video:

What is the reality?

The disparity of wealth is greater than that of income (see the pie graph below).  From the Huffington Post, In 2010, "The median household net worth -- the level at which half the households have more and half have less -- was $77,300  For a much more detailed analysis of wealth, see this post from business insider.

How does your family or community compare to the average American?

Average American:  50% own 2 cars,  50% have a 401K, 66% own 1 home, 6% own a second home

In the US, here are the percentages of adults over the age of 23 who have attained each degree in 2012:
High school graduate87.65%
Some college57.28%
Associate's and/or Bachelor's degree40.58%
Bachelor's degree30.94%
Master's degree8.05%
Doctorate or professional degree3.07%

This link shows that on average, the higher a family's income, the higher the ACT score

The higher your education is, the more money one can earn.  Link to College Board research report here.
Here is a post from sociological images that has a lot of info showing the connection between your degree and your income.

This graph shows that the less education that parents have, the less education their children obtain.

This research from Natasha Quadlin shows that the major a student chooses at college is influenced by social class.

From The Upshot, Ny Times, this interactive site allows you to see what percent of students from the top 1% and bottom 60% attend each school of higher education.


This graph shows where students from different social classes end up after high school:

Elite Colleges Constantly Tell Low-Income Students That They Do Not Belong
from Clint Smith in the Atlantic.

How Admissions Really Work: If The College Admissions Scandal Shocked You, Read This from NPR.
There are lots of ways that wealthy families get a boost in the college admissions process. Most are quite legal.

The price of a home depends on a lot more than the physical structure of the home.
The average home price in the United States in 2012 was $175K.  The average price in BG was $346,000.  And in LG it was $765,000.  Click here to see some houses for sale in Lake County, IL in 2014.  Which do you think are the most expensive?  Which are the least? When you see the actual prices, why do you think that is?

This heat map from Trulia shows the median sales price for areas across Lake County.

Opportunity Insights provides data about how neighborhoods shape residents' life chances.

Here is a map from Time showing the most economically segregated cities in America.  Can you find your town?  How does this segregation affect the residents?

This research from Harvard shows that zipcode is a better predictor for health than genetic code.

Here you can find data by zipcode about the average home price ( as well as income and other data).

Location is also related to mobility:

This report from NPR's Planet Money details how where you grow up can affect your income later in life.

And here is a video and stats from CNN Money that show how where you grow up limits or benefits you.

An online data tool called Opportunity Atlas  finds a strong correlation between where people are raised and their chances of achieving the American dream.
Here is an NPR piece explaining it.
Here is the NY Times Upshot explaining it.

Where College Grads Move

WSJ data shows where college grads are likely to move after they graduate.

Here is Indiana U and U of I:

Try Accessing the data through this link:

Where Graduates Move After College

Try to make your own conclusions about the data:
What does this data say about your life after college?
On a less personal level, what does this data say about the U.S. in general?

If the link above does not work, these might:

Accessible through this facebook link:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/486893378140308/?multi_permalinks=1004035523092755&notif_id=1532189664367938&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic

For full access to the WSJ when you're on campus, you need to use the following special link: www.wsj.com/highschool

Once there, the fastest way for you (and your students) to find the article you're looking for is to click the search icon and enter the words  "grads database"

The only result that pops up should be "Where Graduates Move After College" and you should all be able to access it. 

Or the original story here:

Prestige and power
People view different occupations with different levels of prestige.  This prestige can translate to real power such as being appointed to boards or committees.  It can also simply give you credibility or respect in social situations.  Here is a chart of prestige ratings.

Power, according to Max Weber, is the ability to impose one's will on others.  One example is how the world's most powerful leaders gather in secret meetings annually to discuss how they can shape policy, economics and laws among other things. One such meeting is the American Enterprise Institute held every year on an island off the coast of Georgia where attendees can fly their jets on and off the island in private.  Another meeting is the Bilderberg meeting.

Some examples of power are the abilities to keep yourself out of jail, influence politicians and enact laws that are you favor.  Here is one example from The Daily Show comparing teachers and Wall Street Investors.  Can you guess who has the power?

Here is a link to a Washington Post article explaining that wealthy Americans use their power to create favorable government policies.

And this article from the NY Times shows that an executive at United Airlines accused of corruption charges was forced to resign. Imagine if a teacher was accused of corruption and was forced to resign. That would be it - out of a job and no compensation. But,

United filed a report with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday indicating that Mr. Smisek would receive nearly $4.9 million in a separation payment, and 60,000 shares of stock, valued at over $3 million.

Creating a Social Class Ladder in the U.S.
All of these combine to form a rough picture of social class.

The NY Times did a series of articles about social class called Class Matters. You can explore numerous graphs and stats there, including an interactive graphic that shows where a person places on various aspects of class.

What does an average American look like?  Here is a an article from the Washington Post explaining the difficulty of defining the middle class.

Here is Gilbert's model of social class:

 Here is another  representation of how all of those components might work together:

Look over your information for income, wealth, education, location and prestige.  Are they mostly above, average or below? Then try to think where that person falls on this ladder?  Why would you place them there?  Share this your group.

Was it difficult to share with the group?  Why or why not?

After you have thought about your own personal example, classify the four people in this Esquire article and analyze what class they are and why?  Try to use components other than income.  How is each person shaped by their social class?

Here are other resources for examining the components of social class that comprise the "rules" about what is possible in the USA in terms of class:

Here is a link to the Stanford Center on Poverty where you can view slides about inequality in the USA.

Here is a link to 15 statistics about inequality in America.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Social Class in the U.S.

What class would you say that you belong in?

upper     upper middle     middle     lower middle     lower

How do Americans feel about class?

The United States has always resisted the pretentiousness of class.  The country was founded partly as a reaction to a monarch, which is in itself a class-based system defined by hereditary status and honorary titles.   Additionally, and maybe because of, its revolutionary history, the U.S. values equality, freedom and individual control over one's own destiny.  Americans do not like the idea of social class.

During the gilded age, the Horatio Alger myth was popularized as a promise of the American possibility of going from "rags to riches" a success story "only in America."  From Princeton professor Jen Hochschild's 1996 book, Facing Up to the American Dream,  Americans believe in the American dream and that success is attainable for anyone.   And from the PEW Research Center, this 2015 publication shows American attitudes about the economy including that 85% of Americans consider themselves middle class, including 93% of those who earned more than $100,000!

This 2015 article from Smithsonian Magazine details a number of sources that show Americans like to believe that they are middle class.

So why bother studying social class in the U.S.?

First, social class does in fact exist and to deny it is to live naively at best and possibly in delirium.  Additionally, although the idea of "middle class" is appealing to Americans, it is difficult to define because the U.S. is so stratified.

Second, social class so strongly shapes us that by understanding it, we will understand ourselves better as well as our fellow Americans better.  And this understanding is not just an understanding of how we think and what we value, but it also is an understanding of our life chances, or what we are capable of achieving and the likelihood that we achieve it.

Finally, social class and inequality correlate with a number of measures of society that show inequality makes societies less healthy, less productive and less desirable.

This 2012 post from Socimages of the Society Pages points to The Equality Trust, a British trust that seeks to limit inequality, especially in Britain.  Here are a few examples of the correlation between inequality and undesirable societal outcomes (for more, see the 2012 post linked above):

Social Class Inequality has been widening in the last few decades.

First, the social class gap is widening.  See this post from Socimages.  Here is one graph from the post.  It explains how income has shifted steadily to the top percentiles over the last few decades.

And here are some charts from Business Insider about the growing inequality in the USA.

Inequality from country to country shows greater inequality has damaging effects on individuals

Second, cross national studies show that social class inequality correlates closely to a number of troubling outcomes such as:  infant mortality, mental illness, drug use, educational achievement, incarceration, obesity, homicide and social trust.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Effects of racism

What is colorism?

How are Americans identified as Black shaped by racism? 
Race and Segregation

1.  Racial Dot Map
search the map for examples of segregation.


2. Segregation on college campus. https://www.forbes.com/sites/richardvedder/2018/11/15/racial-segregation-on-american-campuses-a-widespread-phenomenon/#c74ed0444552

3. Segregation in rental market New paper suggests that discrimination causes black renters to pay substantially more than whites for identical homes in identical neighborhoods; the amount of the exploitation is greater the more white the neighborhood

Race and Health

American Academy of Pediatrics

National Center for Biotechnology Information study on breast cancer (2007) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17400570

American Public Health Association study of hypertension/heart disease (2012) https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/abs/10.2105/AJPH.2011.300523

Study showing lowing hypertension among 1st gen African immigrants compared to multigenerational Americans who are black.

Disparities in health for all races (2010)  https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/news/2010/12/16/8762/fact-sheet-health-disparities-by-race-and-ethnicity/

Report on life expectancy from PBS (2016) https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/new-report-reveals-persistent-health-disparities-in-the-u-s

Center for Disease Control study of childhood trauma and effects on health (2018) https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/09/17/648710859/childhood-trauma-and-its-lifelong-health-effects-more-prevalent-among-minorities?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Infant mortality from NY Times (2018) Black infants in America are now more than twice as likely to die as white infants — a racial disparity that is actually wider than in 1850, 15 years before the end of slavery

Race and Discipline/Criminal Justice

Yale University study of discipline disparities in preschool (2016). Discipline disparities start in preschool from NY Times

Vox shows racism at school from preK-12 in 7 charts (2015).

This article from the Sociology of Education (2017)
Read the article and use my annotations to answer questions about it.  Then see the data source from the article below to look up data on your own.

US Dept of Education just released data on racial disparities in every school and school district in America (from preK-12). Here’s how you use the data to show if/how your school discriminates against black students and other marginalized groups. First, lookup the most recent year of data available for your school and/or school district. Right now that’s data on the 2015-16 school year. Here’s where you go:
Here's a link to Samual Sinyangwe's tweet about this.
Click on the Discipline Report on the right side and you’ll see which groups of students your school is most likely to suspend, expel, and refer to law enforcement. You can also see who’s more likely to be arrested at school using the “school-related arrests” tab.

Saw this video and thought what an amazing contrast to the videos of Philando Castille, Sandra Band, Terence Crutcher, Levar Jones and the stopping of black men by police.
Watch from 2:30-6:15 and 12:50-18:50

Marshall project details sentencing disparities in the crmjs (2019) https://www.themarshallproject.org/2019/12/03/the-growing-racial-disparity-in-prison-time

Equal Justice Initiative founded by Bryan Stevenson reports on sentencing disparities (2019) https://eji.org/news/sentencing-commission-finds-black-men-receive-longer-sentences/

Vox reports on University of Michigan Law School report on sentencing disparities (2014) https://www.vox.com/identities/2017/11/17/16668770/us-sentencing-commission-race-booker


Race and income

Wage gap is worse than in 1979.

DiAngelo's Racism and Specific Racial Groups

Please read the excerpt titled Racism and Specific Racial Groups from Robin DiAngelo's book, What Does it Mean to Be White?

Here are links to DiAngelo speaking about race.

As you read, look for both generalities and specifics of how to think about racial groups. As you read, please do these two items:

1.  Annotate or make a list of generalities that are important to keep in mind when examining ANY racial group.  

2.  And make a list of insights that you find interesting that apply to specific racial groups.

Additionally, you may find this website helpful.  Pamela Oliver, a professor from UW Madison has made a list of terms that explains the history and nature of racially-based terminology.