Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Rap Music and Implicit Bias, Racism, Cultural Meaning,

Hidden Brain from NPR did a great episode on how rap music is perceived (and used in court) as being evidence that someone had intent to be violent.  Country Music is not perceived the same way.

It highlights work being done by criminologist Charis Kubrin,a professor of criminology, law and society at the University of California Irvine.  You can watch her Ted Talk here.

Implicit bias, racism, cultural meaning,

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Language and culture, language, ingroups/outgroups, Sapir-Whorf, implicit bias, Ingroups and outgroup homogeneity/ stereotypes

The Weight of Our Words from NPR's Hidden Brain is an episode about the meaning behind words we use. The episode draws on research from Erin Kearns, a criminologist from the University of Alabama who studied the news coverage of shootings and the use of the term "terrorism".
Could be useful for teaching about culture, language, ingroups/outgroups, Sapir-Whorf, implicit bias,

Ingroups and outgroup homogeneity/ stereotypes